Sunday, August 21, 2011

5K - 25 minutes

I'm coming for you Marathon!

Picture This

No longer are we content to sit on the floor and play with objects, I say objects and not toys because PZ would just assume fiddle with a travel wipes bag as opposed to any one of his 77 toys.

I like this picture because it outlines Pierce's progression over the past 30 days. Lately, his curiosity o'meter's needle is leaning hard right. About four weeks ago he started walking using his push toy (to the right in this picture.) He's progressed to walking (at a snail's pace,) along the side of furniture and around some of his toy tables.

I've come to appreciate photography on a deeper level over the last seven years. The single biggest reason being, it's the passion of the most beautiful woman on God's Earth and she happens to be my wife. My son is eleven months old today and I have taken 1100 pictures of him, his momma has easily doubled that. Those numbers are not exaggerated for effect.

I bring this up because typically when anyone flips through a series of pictures they pause for a second on each one and move on to the next. Who has time to dissect every detail of a picture? It's not even a question of time, unless it's your own kid, who wants to spend more than a second on a photo?

Just so we're on the same page, the type of photos that I am referring to aren't sailors proposing to nurses in the middle of Times Square or of ash covered first responders. Those carry a different weight and deserve different attention. You look at those pictures and try to imagine what the the scene was like in the moments before the flash and the seconds after.

I have 1100 points in time that I can warp back through, replay the scene and smile 1100 more times. In the above photo, Ash was blow drying her hair off through the door on the left. Little man and I were walking all over the house, pushing the animal farm walker, listening to roosters and cows. Pierce pushed ahead while I watched from behind. He parked his walker and used the wicker hamper to make his way over to the taller more formidable plastic hamper. This all took some time, he is getting more brave but I wouldn't put any money on him in a foot race just yet. He eventually made it to what I assume was his destination. He must have opened and shut the lid 33 times and he must have giggled oh, about.....33 times.

If I had some vino in me, this is the point where I would trail off on a tangent for a couple of paragraphs about the importance of appreciating the here and now and yadda yadda blah blah. Fortunately, I have only an Ale, so all I'll say is, take some pictures people!

My experiences are new to me, the lessons learned are probably not new to you. Most of the time, I'm just working out in my head, what the Silver and Black Lining is.