Thursday, January 28, 2016

Dearly Beloved

Dearly Beloved,
We are gathered here today....

Those are magical words, that most every girl dreams about.

On behalf of Charlie and Melissa, I want to thank you for being apart of their dream.

You all have a special place in Charlie and Melissa's hearts. You've met them at one of life's intersections. You all have stories to tell and experiences that you've shared. 

After today, we're all going to have a new story to tell.
Today, we share a new experience.

Because today, 
We celebrate.

Today, we ask GOD to recognize Charlie and Melissa's Love and Dedication to each other.

Who gives this woman,
to be married to this man?

Dempsey: "Her, mother and I do". 
(Dempsey, turns to take his seat next to Susan, as he begins to take his step, he realizes that he has not considered the variable of Melissa's train. He performs a feat of athleticism that he has not achieved since college and hop jumps the aforementioned train. Everyone is polite and No one acknowledges the misstep).  

"Can we all acknowledge Dempsey, sacrificing one more time for Melissa"?

Well, I'd like to first start off by asking for a little latitude today? I have never officiated a wedding before. It might be helpful for some of you to know that I am Melissa's brother by marriage but I have had the pleasure of watching her grow up over the last eighteen years. When Charlie and Melissa asked me to be here today I wish that I could say that the first thoughts that went through my head were touching. I have to be honest, (now more than ever) they weren't. I was shocked, I've never thought about doing anything like this before, let alone train for anything like this. I asked Ash later that night:

How morally bankrupt are the rest of their friends that they would ask a car salesman to marry them?
(Lots of Laughter)

Well that went over well. Let's just skip to the "I do's".
(Still Laughing)

I told Charlie that I would try to get a Seinfeld reference in here. This would be just like the episode where George checks out after dropping a one liner. "George is checking out!"

Often times in this world we find ourselves shaking our heads at life's circumstances. We turn on the TV or check our twitter feed and it doesn't make sense, our vision is blurred. I think I can speak for everyone in here today and say that when we heard about your engagement, we said to ourselves:

"Now that makes sense, Charlie and Melissa make sense".

The thought of Charlie and Melissa, together forever in this world and the next fills us up, it leaves us feeling whole and our vision clear.

Vision is where I'd like to settle in to today.

I would be remiss if I didn't tell my little sister that she is a vision today. "Melissa honey, you are beautiful". and "Charlie, what can I say.......
you tried".

Any successful venture requires vision, it requires planning. So what is our vision? What is our plan? I think we need to ask: What is GOD'S plan for marriage?

Pastor Andy Stanley says: "To fall in love requires a pulse. To stay in love requires a plan".

I gotta tell you this is an area where us guys are at a bit of a disadvantage because when it comes to girls; love, planning and vision are not our strong suit. Most of the time, we're just trying to trick a girl in to saying yes and hoping she doesn't change her mind before she gets up here.

So what GOD'S purpose for marriage? He gives us two, the primary purpose for marriage is to reflect God's Image. We all bear his image. He put it in us. Together in marriage we create a clearer image of GOD than we would if we were separate.

The second purpose is to reflect God's Love. God loves us in an unending and unconditional way. People are going to look at the way you behave and the way that you care for one another and will have a better understanding of GOD'S Love. 

How do we accomplish this?

Well, God also gives us a couple of priorities to help achieve his purpose.

The first priority is to submit to one another: You first, me second. This is where I need a little latitude. I really want you to understand these priorities, so I am going to give you an example:
(For you out of town readers, the Friday before the wedding, Lexington KY was hammered by a blizzard. One to two inches fell per hour with an accumulation of about 10 inches)

I want to paint you a picture. Lets just say, in a hypothetical scenario that........ an EPIC BLIZZARD blows in.
Now unless you have a REALLY important event to attend, most of the time you are probably going to snuggle up on the couch, with a couple of cold pops or some hot chocolate. You'll turn on the TV and check out what you have in the DVR bank and you're going to have a couple of choices: you can watch a Lissa show or a Charlie show. Now I think this would be a good time for Lissa to submit to Charlie and........let him watch one of his episodes of Downtown Abbey. 
(Laughter, I know it's Downton Abbey, I say it that way to aggravate my better half).

The second priority is to sacrifice for one another. I'm not talking about anything complex. You hear about it all the time and read about it in most Hallmark cards, "it's the little things that count". 

A few years ago Ashleigh and I had the privilege taking a trip. It was cruise on the Mediterranean and it was with group of Toyota dealers. We met a great couple and spent so much time with them that by week's end they invited us to their home. What is unique about our relationship is that they had kids our age. They are a strong catholic family and we've enjoyed a few trips to their home now in Southern California. One of our first trips out there we had a discussion about marriage and sacrifice. Scott mentioned that one of the sacrifices that he makes to Patty everyday, is to bring her a cup of coffee in bed. Everyday for 30 plus years he's brought her a cup of coffee. 

So Charlie, your challenge is to bring Lissy coffee every morning. It's only fair seeing as how she let you watch your show. It's the little things that make up the big picture.

Paul gives a clear vision of what Love is in his letter to the Corinthian Church.

He tells us that: Love is Patient and Kind
It's not Jealous or Boastful or Rude.
It does not demand it's own way.

Love is not irritable: Let's hit pause right here. What Paul is saying here is that Love requires a cup of Coffee in the morning.

You see, Scott was trying to give me the secret to a happy marriage.


I get so excited reading the first half of this scripture that in my head it reads like a Coach Cal halftime speech, trying to fire up the team.


It endures through every circumstance.

Love is undefeated.

It's the ultimate Light saber!

We all have heard these words before, probably at a wedding. My question is, do we listen to them? Do we actively pursue Paul's definition of Love. That is our challenge, everyone of us.

So, that is our Vision!

Reflect GOD'S Image.

Reflect GOD'S Love.

Submit to one another.

Sacrifice for one another.

Keep No Record of Being Wrong.

You won't be undefeated.
It doesn't work like that.

But I can promise you this, you'll come out on top more than you will on the bottom.

Let us Pray:

God our father in Heaven
We thank you for the gift of life.
and for the joys of marriage.
You have loved us 
and you have made us so that we can love,
and be loved

We ask for you blessing on this day
and on this marriage.
Groom and Bride stand humbly before you.
Guide them Father.
In the name of Jesus we Pray.

My experiences are new to me. They're probably not new to you. Most of the time, I'm just working out what the Silver and Black Lining is.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Pastor Jon Weece for his teaching and my friend Greg Chandler for his guidance.