Sunday, November 20, 2011


Tippy toes.
Creased Red Robeez.
PZH standing as tall as his frame will allow.
One fourteen month old nose barely clearing the bathroom vanity.
PZH reaching as far up and across as his arm will extend.
All in an effort to grab the book looking object playing the Christmas music.

It's Sunday morning and I have a mug of coffee in my hand, typically when I get like this it's dark out and I have a a glass of wine in my hand while sitting in a swivel chair with a robe on smoking a cigar and listening to Adele.

I can't tell you when the last time I physically stretched out as far as I could to attain something much less what it was. How about metaphorically? What was my motivation for focusing all of my potential energy to accomplish something. It doesn't matter what it was, it only matters that I shouldn't have had to think as long as I did to remember what it was.

Kids can teach you a lot if you let them. They force you to relearn some important lessons too. All you have to do is pay close attention cause they can be right in front of you.

The lesson that Pierce helped me create today was that while I have goals for us as a family, I should always be able to answer the question "What are your personal short/long term goals?" without hesitation. What are you doing to get better everyday?

It won't be long before Pierce is helping the grandmas grab the baking sheets from the top cabinet. He probably won't be wearing red Robeez but the first time I see him do it, I hope I remember the morning when his nostrils were at their apex, just barely visible over the counter.

Post Script
I was joking about the robe and Adele scenario.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sunday Morning Wrestling

No need to get wordy. Jumping on the bed set up an exciting day for Pierce and Dad.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Halloween!

One of our several excursions to Babies "R" Us resulted in what I like to call "The Decision". I got in to the habit of strolling down the toy aisle before picking up the neccessary items on the shopping list. I enjoy buying a toy for my son, letting him play with it while we loaded the cart with diapers or fiddlesticks made us both content. He was happy that he had something to play with and I was on the natural high that goes with being a Daddy and buying your son a toy.

I held up two stuffed dolls for him to play with and ultimately decide on which one was going home with us. I quickly thought of Toy Story and all of Woody's supporting cast. I thought that for a little while at least, which ever toy Pierce chose would serve as his favorite.

Big Bird vs. Cookie Monster

Pierce did not immediatley gravitate toward one. He test drove both for a few minutes. He would squeeze them, shake them and poke at them. He picked up one, laid it down and picked up the other and then repeated the process until finally he settled on ......Cookie Monster.

I told Ash that when Pierce grows in to the person that he is supposed to be, I know after witnessing this event that he will not take decisions lightly and that he will attempt to cautiously weigh all circumstances and possible variables before coming to his conclusion.

After making the rounds at our favorite neighbors we hunkered down on our porch, it was a typical fall night. Pierce played in the flower box and walked alongside the steps as we passed out candy. We all had fun!

Pierce probably had the most fun before bath time when Mama put his costume on her head and began talking like Cookie. Pierce chuckled and then Mama kissed Pierce's "cookie tummy" and he chuckled some more. He chuckled for ten or so minutes while we both took turns as Cookie Monster (mom got the bigger laughs cause shes is the bestest.)

We ended the evening the same way we did his first Halloween, by reading Scaredy Cat Splat!