Thursday, September 20, 2012

Saying goodnight - guest blogger- P's Mom

Two years ago, I said goodnight to my life as I had grown to know it. I still remember with blissful naivety the long walks my husband and I had together while we waited for Pierce to arrive. The lengthy talks about our future and the many things we would teach him. Two years ago I said goodnight to long, easy walks hand in hand and I said good morning to a completely different way of living, a different way of being.

I said goodnight to selfish hours of restful evenings on George’s shoulder and woke up to a purpose beyond anything I could have dreamed. Making a family changed who I was as a person. As I sit tonight, preparing to say goodnight to my one year old, I think of how much this little creature has made a difference in my life. How every day I want to be better for him, for me, for us.

He not only made me better, but made my already amazing spouse burn brighter with his presence. I said goodnight to loving George as just my dearest friend, greatest confidant, partner in crime or that 16 year old boy that made me smile like no other person ever had, or ever would. He became P’s dada. This new man, with a goodness I had the chance to fall in love with all over again.

Tonight, I say goodnight to the past two years, the greatest, most challenging of my life. I sit typing this with the naivete of a young mother with only one angel to dote upon. I know I will continue to say good morning with a thankfulness in my heart for this gift of happiness and the rediscovery of goodness in life and the people in it.

Thank you so much to the people in my life who made it easier to choose happiness on rainy mornings. Who made me smile on cloudy days. Who helped clear the foggy evenings with words of kindness. Your goodness, your love, has made ALL the difference.

But most of all, thank you to my little man. You are all I could have ever dreamed of...and more. When I wake in the morning (and every morning) I pray I can return the the light and love you have brought to me. I am so excited for all the adventures your two year old self can bring.

Wishing you a beautiful, blissful morrow.